Our community of beekeepers is the heart and soul of Apiary Book.
It’s great to see beekeepers from around the world becoming contributors by helping with the development of Apiary Book solutions.
We invite you join in to shape the future of this project:
– help us with the translation of Apiary Book to French / Polish / Turkish or other languages;
– send us your feedback, ideas and improvements, your opinion is truly valued;
– play an active role in the community, share information and get valuable advice;
– promote Apiary Book on your social media channels: Twitter, Facebook groups, etc.
– choose to be a PRO subscriber (for the price of 3-4 cups of coffee per month)
Send your feedback to bogdan@apiarybook.com
Subscribe now http://www.apiarybook.com/pro.html
Your bees, our passion. Let’s grow together!