I have 20 years of experience in software development and in 2014 I decided to spend more time in nature, and with the help of a experienced beekeeper I bought an apiary, attend beekeeping lessons and start my beekeeping journey.

Lewis Goddall takes us on an exciting beekeeping journey in the Midlands, UK

Recently, we’ve teamed up with Hive Alive for an exciting giveaway that offered 2 Hive Alive products and 1 Apiary Book Pro Subscription for 1 year. Because the winner takes it all, we decided to get in touch with the lucky winner, Lewis Goddall, and ask him if he would love to share his beekeeping…

"HNPD - Honey New Product Development" project by Fileomera in collaboration with Apiary Book

“Honey New Product Development” project by Fileomera in collaboration with Apiary Book

Romania is one of the most important honey exporters in the EU. Beekeeping has been considered a traditional practice in Romania for a long time, having the potential to contribute significantly to the economic development of rural areas, both in terms of honey production, as well as other bee products.  However, according to studies conducted…