I have 20 years of experience in software development and in 2014 I decided to spend more time in nature, and with the help of a experienced beekeeper I bought an apiary, attend beekeeping lessons and start my beekeeping journey.
And then it all went pear-shaped… It has been a while since I last wrote. However, after a long period of trial and error, I can now sit back and relax for a fortnight before I winter my bees down again, as I am on the opposite side of the planet from most of you.…
A short guide to raising your own queens No matter why you’ve chosen to raise your own queens, there are undeniable and numerous benefits from doing it yourself. Many beekeepers, particularly beginners, are sometimes intimidated by this activity and prefer buying queens to raising them. The truth is that it’s fairly easy to rear queens…
Recently, we’ve teamed up with Hive Alive for an exciting giveaway that offered 2 Hive Alive products and 1 Apiary Book Pro Subscription for 1 year. Because the winner takes it all, we decided to get in touch with the lucky winner, Lewis Goddall, and ask him if he would love to share his beekeeping…
Throughout history, keeping bees has become a tradition passed down in families and communities for generations. This is why many of the best practices we know now, have been followed by beekeepers over time and are still followed today. Although traditional beekeeping is still practiced around the world, there’s no doubt that today’s technology has…
Romania is one of the most important honey exporters in the EU. Beekeeping has been considered a traditional practice in Romania for a long time, having the potential to contribute significantly to the economic development of rural areas, both in terms of honey production, as well as other bee products. However, according to studies conducted…
Unlock a New Year full of possibilities having by your side our Calendar for 2022. Each month reveals inspirational photos with bees and beekeepers, motivational quotes, and practical advice for beekeepers. A whole new year of beekeeping is ahead of you and we hope this Calendar can be your guide at every step of the…
Are you thinking about building your own Langstroth beehive and saving more money? Considered the most popular type of hive around the world, Langstroth hives can be easily built at home. It requires the right type of wood, good materials, proper tools and some woodworking skills for a high quality hive. In the video below…
Beekeeping is a noble practice that deserves to be fully appreciated. As bee populations continue to decline at a rapid pace, people are drawn to learn beekeeping and apply the best practices in order to keep them safe. Managing hives in efficient ways so bees can successfully thrive has become an important mission in every…
There are multiple key contributors that are associated with high annual colony losses. Most of them are interconnected and together form a group known as the “Four P’s” – pathogens, parasites, poor nutrition, pesticides. As a beekeeper it is very important to be aware of these “ Four P’s” threats and follow constant routines to keep…
Let me start by very briefly introducing myself to you. I live in Dannevirke, a small town on the North Island of New Zealand. I live here with my husband (Ron) and our Cat (Wedgley). Ron runs a small furniture making and repair business from home. An advantage to this is that I always have…