Best beekeeping practices

Best beekeeping  management practices should be adopted in the apiary by all beekeepers, whether they are hobbits or have years of experience. The goal is to improve bee health and reduce risks to colonies. Apiary Book offers valuable best practices on many topics, including – apiary and hive maintenance – bee diseases/pest and treatments – queen…

Apiary Book PRO

Knowledge is power and as a beekeeper you know this very well. Apiary Book PRO allows you to speak to beekeepers all over the world. This way you can exchange information, learn tips and tricks and apply best practices to your hives. In short: you can take better care of your bees! Learn more here:


Since the beginning, one of our goals was to add the experience of beekeepers in the Apiary Book app in order to make their work as easy as possible. Albu Norbert – Anton from Romania sent the following suggestion: “La inspectia stupului dacă bifez fără regină ar trebui să pot adăuga un task….” “At the…