Hive Inspection

The opinion of our users is truly valued. Andrey Lebedev from Russia sent the following feedback: “Вносить данные об осмотре ужасно неудобно. Entering inspection data is terribly inconvenient.” Starting Apiary Book 5.8 the details of an Hive Inspection are displayed using horizontal tabs allowing the beekeeper to navigate easier between different pages. The navigation experience…

Apiary Book Lite

Say hello to our latest addition to the Apiary Book family: Apiary Book Lite. Enjoy the great experience of Apiary Book FREE but with added features that make beekeeping more efficient and easier to manage: • desktop app for better management, reporting and data visibility • cloud storage for all apiary information • apiary data…

Our community

Apiary Book is all about your bees but sometimes we like to know more about our users. So today we’d like to say “Thank you!” to Ana Lucia Flores Schimdt, beekeeper from Brazil. If you’d like to get to know Ana a bit more, check out her page Apiário Abelhinha Feliz or read about her…