Apiary Book 6.0

We’ve been listening to your feedback and are exited to share with you a few new features and upgrades: – Academy – a new space for beekeepers who want to learn how to overcome the current challenges of modern beekeeping – Improved queens’ list – Colonies movement – Latitude and Longitude added for Departure/Destination Update…

How can you help?

Our community of beekeepers is the heart and soul of Apiary Book. It’s great to see beekeepers from around the world becoming contributors by helping with the development of Apiary Book solutions. We invite you join in to shape the future of this project: – help us with the translation of Apiary Book to French…

Hive Inspection

The opinion of our users is truly valued. Andrey Lebedev from Russia sent the following feedback: “Вносить данные об осмотре ужасно неудобно. Entering inspection data is terribly inconvenient.” Starting Apiary Book 5.8 the details of an Hive Inspection are displayed using horizontal tabs allowing the beekeeper to navigate easier between different pages. The navigation experience…

Varroa mites

Since the start of this project we received tons of feedback from beekeepers from around the world, and many suggestions have been implemented! It is important for us to build an app/platform that is useful and easy-to-use. “I tried new tab VARROA. Inside I can change things in the drop down menu that is pretty…

Hive strength

We are constantly getting feedback from beekeepers from around the world. This is helping us to build a better product for all users. Thank you Nikodém for informing us about this improvement! “Hi dear Bogdan. Thanks a lot for your work! I have one remark to Apiary Book: We can set “Strength” into “Hive” page,…

Financial graph details

At Apiary Book, we are lucky to have an engaged and passionate community of beekeepers, who submit hundreds of feedback and feature request messages through our support channels and social media. Jan send us the following email: “Clicking on a bar on the financial graph that takes you to the record so you can see…