Assistant – Floral calendar

The role of the Assistant is to analyse and present useful insights that will help beekeeper to make better decisions. The Assistant helps beekeepers to identify important information related to your apiary and offers advises. Example: presenting the  information of the flowering time of  nectar/pollen source available in the current month. This is specially important…

Forage map

In both stationary and migratory beekeeping, the beekeeper must seek to place his colonies in or near areas where a sufficient quantity of honey plants exists, in season or throughout the year, within the economical flight range of the foragers. Read more about bee forage and floral calendars here.

Floral calendar

A floral calendar for beekeeping is a time-table that indicates to the beekeeper the approximate date and duration of the blossoming periods of the important honey and pollen plants in the apiary area. The floral calendar is one of the most useful tools. The calendar informs beekeepers about what to expect in bee-forage availability, and when,…