Feedings – sum for each hive

We are working hard to improve the consultation with our global community – and we’d love your feedback. Feel free to give your suggestions to bogdan@apiarybook.com. “Vážený pane, bylo by možné, aby aplikace uváděla součet provedených krmení u každého úlu. Předem děkuji za reakci a jsem s pozdravem. Sir, it would be possible for the application…

About pollen

“Honey bees preferentially consume freshly-stored pollen. The freshly-formed composite of pollen, nectar, and oral secretions is briefly more attractive than older stored pollen. Older stored pollen sources are only likely to be fully consumed once freshly-stored pollen sources are largely exhausted.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5400263

BEE grateful

“[…] here are 6 reasons to BEE grateful for our pollinators: 1. They improve our diets by providing micronutrient-rich foods 2. They give us honey 3. They have a great work ethic 4. They make our foods taste better 5. They increase food production and food security 6. They maintain biodiversity” http://www.fao.org/fao-stories/article/en/c/1127922/

Startup Europe Summit 2019

Next week we are appearing live during SES 2019 in Cluj. Catch us on March 21st from 9:30 as we discuss what being a start-up meant to us and how winning a EIT Food RIS Innovation Grant in 2018 helped us on our way. If you’re in the neighborhood, come say hello! More info here: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/events/cf/startup-europe-summit-2019/programme.cfm?id=445