
Since the beginning, one of our goals was to add the experience of beekeepers in the Apiary Book app in order to make their work as easy as possible. Albu Norbert – Anton from Romania sent the following suggestion: “La inspectia stupului dacă bifez fără regină ar trebui să pot adăuga un task….” “At the…

Efficient Hive Inspections

Our recommendations for hive inspection: – review the notes from the last inspections – decide if you have to check the hive and look at what is new – if  inspection is required, examine the bee colony and record all information (population, queen, brood, honey) – schedule the next activities Hive ToDo list Acting like this,…

Hive inspections

One of the most important tasks any beekeeper can do as part of their inspection is record tracking. It is one of the most important things all beekeepers can do to help keep healthy colonies of honey bees.  Key things to look for during an inspection: – total number of frames with bees and brood…