Meat the team behind Apiary Book
Gordian Kramer
“Beekeepers have a good relationship with bees. In addition to the honeybee there are about 750 different wild bee species in Germany, which do without the beekeeper. These bees are often specialists who can pollinate only a few varieties of flowers. In addition, wild bees often live alone in burrows or holes in deadwood. These habitats are becoming less and less due to the increasing sealing of soils in Germany.
We from Nei’gschmeckt Imkerei Kramer are committed to the wild bees and the honeybee.
In the summer of 2017, we rebuilt a drywall in a former vineyard in Altbach. The wall has an area of 32m² and was built by hand as it used to be in former times. It was about 30m³ earth shoveled by hand. And about 35to sandstone piled up to this massive wall.”
“In this wall, many wild bees like the red sand bee, the trouser bee and the mason bee find new nesting sites. So that the bees will not only find new nesting sites but also be able to collect enough pollen and nectar for the brood in the next year, we would see a wildflower mixture in the spring of 2018.
We get the seed from network Flowering landscapes With this network, we have a strong partner who offers us valuable support in our work with the bees.”