One of the most valuable tools for every beekeeper is the bee smoker. During every inspection, the proper use of a bee smoker will calm the hive and help save bee lives.
Why is it necessary to include this tool in your activity?
- It is safer for the bees and the beekeepers to work in harmony. When the hive is being disturbed, the colony becomes agitated and ready to sting.
- To prevent bees from stinging, the bee smoker becomes effective thanks to the bee’s natural instinct. Upon detecting smoke, they instinctively focus on taking care of the queen and gorging on honey, while exiting the hive due to a supposed fire. Once bees are full of honey, they become more peaceful.
- By disturbing the bees with smoke, they will release an alarm pheromone that prepares them to defend their colonies against intruders. In the end. the smoke is a good tool to reduce the colony’s reaction.
Sometimes, the bees can be incredibly cooperative, so use the bee smoke only when it’s the case. Do you use a smoker? You are always welcomed to comment below.
Happy beekeeping!